As I was at Mass this morning, the priest mentioned how we typically celebrate in the Mass the birth of a person into eternal life, not their birth into earthly life. He said we commemorate Mary's birth because her being born into the world had both spiritual and temporal implications that were staggering. Through her, the gates of heaven were able to open once again for man in the Birth, Life and Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus. Her fiat was a necessary and pivotal moment in salvation history and in the history of mankind.
On this Feast Day of her birth, let us remind ourselves of how fortunate we are to have had a woman chosen from all women who was willing to reverse the mistake of the fallen Eve; who could say YES out of love and humility. Let us in our birthday wishes, ask her to give us a gift -- the gift of her constant intercession for us to become holy.
Happy Birthday, Blessed Mother.
All that I am is Thine and all that I have is Thine,
through Mary, Thy Holy Mother!
through Mary, Thy Holy Mother!
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