"In fact, woman has a genius all her own,
which is vitally essential to both society and the Church." --John Paul II

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Anniversary Pope Benedict XVI

Today marks the 5th Anniversary of the pontificate of Benedict XVI. Dr. Robert Royal at The Catholic Thing, writes a tribute, of sorts, to the pope. It is intelligent, insightful and right on target describing the person of Benedict XVI with honor and respect.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional

I would like someone to please show me an article or an amendment in the Constitution that addresses the constitutionality of a national day of prayer. US District Judge Barbara Crabb wrote in her decision, "In this instance, the government has taken sides on a matter that must be left to individual conscience." (read the whole article at LifeSiteNews.com) The government is not knocking down doors and forcing people to pray a national prayer. They are allowing for a day that recognizes religious freedom. What is unconstitutional about that? Was that no small part of the basis for our founding as a nation?

Another instance of Feminine Genius FAIL!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Art of Wearing a Scarf

If you are scarf-impaired like I am, you might find this Talbots video helpful.  (Still not sure how many of these looks are good for those of us who are short of neck.)

HT:  The Church Ladies

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FG Fail: "Bare Chested Equality"

Kathy has a post about two dozen women in Portland, Maine, who did something very brave about a very important social issue:  they put on a march.  A topless march.  Something about equal standards for public nudity.  It's not a legal issue; apparently it's legal for women to go topless in Maine, so they can be denied service at the ice-cream stand just like shirtless men are.

So I guess they're protesting social expectations, because the idea that women should put on at least a bikini top at the beach (you know, two triangles of fabric and two strings) instead of lying around in the nude is OPPRESSIVE and it's just one step from there to a burqa yada yada yada.  (Meanwhile, it seems to me that men and boys are covering up more at the beach -- more long baggy trunks and loose shirts, or those bodysuits.  Guess they haven't gotten the message that they're being oppressed.)

I somehow doubt these silly females intended their topless protest to be taken seriously.  I just wanted to put up a FAIL post.

Think Delilah's just striking back against the patriarchy because she has to wear her little tube top?  You GO girl!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Husband to a Saint: Pietro Molla has died

Pietro Molla, husband of St Gianna Molla, died on Holy Saturday at the age of 97.  He will be buried tomorrow. 

Gianna is best known for her heroic choice for life, enduring a complicated pregnancy to bring her daughter Giana Emanuela to term. (Interestingly, it was on a Holy Saturday that Gianna gave birth to little Giana. Gianna died a week later, on Easter Saturday.)

After the death of his wife, Pietro was left to bring up their four children, all under the age of five.  One of those children died two years later.

What kind of man lives to see his wife canonized?   Gianna's vocation as mother blossomed out of her vocation as wife.  Perhaps it's worth learning more about Mr Molla and about Gianna's life with him.

St Gianna, pray for Pietro and for us.  May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Regina Caeli

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